Thursday, October 31, 2013

Flowing Creek...

David came home for lunch and we walked part of the fence line to check and make sure it was all in tact after the storm.  This is our pretty creek!  Most of the time it is dry, but this is what it looks like after our 10-12 inches of rain last night!  There were so many road closures, Lockhart ISD cancelled all classes for today!

Happy Halloween from Tres Cinco!

I actually took this pic a few days ago when the sun was shining!  Last night we had some big storms and the rain was coming down.  It is still cloudy out this morning.  David said that there was water over the road when he went to work, but hopefully it will go down and the cows are safe.

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

John got the tractor working again!

Took him 4 days, but now it is up and running like new!  Today he is spreading some dirt around the house. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tractor Parts Scavenger Hunt day...

John and I embarked to town today to search for tractor parts.  John is fixing the hydraulic lift system in the 1969 Ford tractor.

Hanson, Tractor Supply, O'Reilly, Autozone, Parts Plus and back to Hanson.  Almost got everything, but need hydraulic lift intake and outlet filters that we need to get from a Ford Tractor dealer.  Closest ones are in Pflugerville, La Grange and Shiner.

On our way home now for lunch and to make phone calls before we trek more miles.  We may just end up ordering online...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

John working hard on fixing the tractor...

He cleaned out a portion of the man cave garage so he could pull tractor inside in case of inclement weather...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Buck has booties too!

John and Buck came to visit this week to work on the tractor.  It rained another 0.5" today.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sent David to KQ for some mayo...

... this is what he comes home with.

You know you live in the country when instead of asking the neighbor for a cup of sugar (or in this case-  mayo), you can ask the local store and get the same results. :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lily and Baby visited today...

Glad they are doing well with the rain we have been having.  Nothing like getting mooed at while sitting in the family room.  I didn't have any watermelon, but just saying hi with a few pats on the head seemed to satisfy.