Monday, December 10, 2012

My office

Fancy shoes we used to walk around house and not leave footprints.

Looking down foyer to living space

Master Bedroom

Kitchen, Nook and Pantry

Master Bath & Closet

Floor is not done

We still need to apply the High Gloss Sealer.  Then wait 24 hrs to dry.  Then cover with paper to protect for rest of construction.  We will need to wax it right before we move in the furniture.

This process is more difficult than I imagined, but it is going to look beautiful!!!

Staining and neutralizing done

David spoke with manufacturer about residue removal.  There is still some visible, but it depends on if it reacts with the sealer.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Floors prepped!

Tomorrow is concrete floor staining day!  Today was the most important cleaning part to get ready to stain.   I swept, David vacuumed, and then I mopped.  Took a long time as we have a lot of floor!  May have to invest in a Roomba!

Chimney is flashed and finished. Now to paint it.

Deciding whether to keep it two toned or just paint same color as trim.  Any suggestions?  Tiny house doesnt have a chimney!

Yeah for a roof!